IndieGogo Campaign Blog Posts


Work continues on getting The Life Story Composer App updated to version 2.0.

We are making progress. 

If you would like to see the IndieGogo crowd funding campaign we ran in late 2014, please click on the link below (or on the big read + white IndieGogo square at the top of the page): 




Moving Forward In 2015

...Well, we gave it the old college try, but our IndieGogo crowd funding campaign did not perform as well as we hoped.

Such is life.

We learned a lot from the experience though, and will very probably conduct another campaign soon (on a different platform).

We are moving forward in 2015, and we will leave this "temporary" crowd funding website up in the mean time.  

Please use the links provided to contact us if needed. 

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year to you and yours.



Here We Go

My wife Teri and I have worked really hard over the past 3 years to bring into being an automated, workable, and effective way to make life story writing easy, affordable, and available to everyone. 

We are committed to making that happen because the life story writing process and end result benefits everyone. Life writing connects the generations, strengthens family ties, and it changes lives. It makes our world a better place.

EVERY PERSON should have the ability to write and share their life story!